I am working on a new presentation sample project and I wanted to test invoking an HTTP request from a Flow. Specifically, I want to invoke a Function App from a Flow using an HTTP Flow Action. In my sample, I will kick this off when a new Note is created with an Attachment.
To quickly test calling the HTTP Action, I uses an existing Function App sample that I had worked on a few weeks ago: a small Function App that I put together to test populating a PDF template using CRM data.
Poking around with Function Apps
This sample is creatively named CRMToPDF because it retrieves a record from CRM and populates a fillable PDF form from the CRM record using iText, returning the updated PDF for download. Pretty simple in terms of code, but it was a nice proof of concept testing the iText libraries (more on that in another post!).
Since this Function App returns the PDF file as the response, I was curious as to how Flow would handle it. Could I “download” a file from a URL in Flow and attach it to an email using the Outlook email Action?
You bet I can!
With a few short steps, I was able to grab the resulting file and attach it to an email. This isn’t a huge surprise since so many Flow connectors already deal with moving files around. But it surprised me how simple it was to accomplish what I wanted to do.
So the Flow I created is really simple:
- Trigger on a new Note
- Invoke an HTTP Flow Action
- Email the resulting PDF to myself
Here are the initial Flow steps, a Trigger and HTTP Action:

The trigger is on ALL Notes, so this would definitely change in the real world. And the HTTP GET only includes my Function App Authorization key. In a real example, I would pass in additional parameters, such as the of the Note ID or Object ID as an additional Query or as part of the request Body.
The Outlook Email Action looks like this:

You can see that this Action is pretty straightforward. It’s just an email to myself from the Owner of the Note. In Dynamics 365 CE, this mean that the System User had to enable sending emails on their behalf which is just a value under Personalized Settings. I just filled in a few bits of other info, like the Body and Subject.
The important part for me here is setting up the Attachment: set the Attachment Name to “CRM2PDF.pdf” and the Attachment Content to the Body of the HTTP Response.
That’s it. Yep. That’s all!
I first started looking at Flow a bit last year and wrote a short post about moving a document from Dynamics 365 CE to SharePoint, Flow Examples: Note attachment to SharePoint. This turned out to be relatively straightforward and a really cool Flow but had a few quirks, like converting the Note document body using the base64ToBinary
When I started looking at this sample, I expected some similar required steps, but setting the Body as the Attachment Content just worked. I put this entire Flow together in about 15 minutes, and it worked on the first try! (As a developer, I NEVER expect it to work on the first try!)
This tells me that the Flow engine is aware of the content type being returned by the HTTP get and can handle it properly when moving between the actions. The Actions know how to work with the files between the source HTTP Action and the next Outlook email Action.
That sounds like another obvious comment, but it makes me happy as a developer not having to do any kind of manipulation or parsing or other coding magic! For an idea of what is being returned from the HTTP action, we can look at the Flow Test logs for the HTTP GET Action and open the Outputs:

This isn’t super complex JSON for most developers: HTTP response code, several headers, the filename, etc. But for non developers, this could present an impossible roadblock. With the Flow designer and this huge library of existing Actions, a non developer can point their Flow to a service endpoint and move files about without a single line of code.
That’s some powerful stuff.